Кратка история
Help us create Moja Prva Znakovnica, the first Croatian sign language video dictionary, for hearing parents of deaf children as well as for anybody else who wants to learn Croatian sign language.
The project aims to raise funds to create a dictionary with over 500 fundamental words, phrases, and sentences that enable deaf and hearing individuals to communicate with one another.
The dictionary will be developed by Croatian Sign Language (HZJ) native speakers who were raised by deaf people. They now seek to transform their expertise into Moja Prva Znakovnica, a perpetually accessible and cost-free educational resource.
This dictionary facilitates the early communication of deaf children, giving them a way to communicate their needs, wants, and emotions, which is essential for their emotional and mental growth. At the same time, creating a family setting where everyone feels equally loved and understood. All professionals who work with deaf children, including speech therapists, rehabilitators, psychologists, doctors, nurses, and technicians, as well as the deaf community and interpreters/translators, can greatly benefit from these materials.
Join us in this great endeavor by lending your support. Every contribution matters!
Moja Prva Znakovnica - първият речник на хърватския жестов език

Why support “Moja Prva Znakovnica” campaign?
90 – 95% of deaf children are born into hearing families.
The fact is that in families where there is one deaf member, they are marginalized. No matter how much the whole family loves them, they remain excluded from communication. Lip reading is a skill that is learned and developed, and that only comes when you learn the Croatian language – we can’t lip-read a language we don’t know.
The fact is that exposing deaf children to sign language is to their benefit – the child is given a tool for expression, the parents a tool for understanding and communication, and an environment in which the child feels accepted and understood is created from the first day.
With this project, we spread awareness about the Deaf community and sign language, we promote a view of the world that is different, but equally valuable.
In addition, the few HZJ courses that exist are held only in the largest Croatian cities, which means that they are not equally accessible to everyone.
In Croatia, there is a lack of professional materials for learning Croatian Sign Language (HZJ), especially those tailored for children. Additionally, materials for learning sign language are still not standardized or sufficiently developed, and as such, they do not meet the needs of the community, which numbers over 14,000 people.
Our dictionary is unique in that we will enrich it with additional information that facilitates easier learning. Alongside the sign, there will be a description of the sign—such as the handshape, where the hand is positioned, and how the movement is performed. The sign is then connected with other related signs and sentences, forming expressions, along with essential grammatical instructions.
Team behind Moja Prva Znakovnica
The team members are Dorijana, Nives, and Maja – professional translators and educators. Although hearing, they grew up in deaf families and began to sign before they spoke. Aware of the potential and value of both worlds, they understand the problem of the lack of material and available information on this social topic.
They are included in the Croatian Association of Translators, which deals with the preservation of the HZJ, the creation of educational material, the implementation of education, and the development of the profession of translators.
The dictionary will be created in collaboration with linguists who deal with language acquisition, choosing words according to the age of acquisition. In addition to words, the most frequently used phrases, terms, and sentences for everyday communication will be included.

How will Moja Prva Znakovnica look like?
Moja Prva Znakovnica will be available on the website that we will create with the funds from the campaign. It will contain a list of terms, phrases, and sentences that can be searched using a simple search engine. In contrast to all the materials produced so far, for example on YouTube, this will be the first real Croatian sign language dictionary modeled after other already existing dictionaries of Swedish, British, or Australian sign language.
The biggest advantage of Moja Prva Znakovnica is that it is a video education where the process of signing will be visible and understandable. In addition to the visual display itself, additional clarification will be given in text form – instructions on how to perform the sign and all other information that facilitates independent learning.
Companies that supported us
Moja Prva Znakovnica in the media
- Tportal
- Dnevnik hr
- Dalmatinski portal
- In portal
- Savjeti.hr
- Moj Zagreb info
- Portal zdravlje
- Bug
- Stilueta
- Budi mi dobro
- Total Croatia News
- Croatia week
Investing plan
- High Definition camera
- Photography and Video Lightning
- Camera and Lightning stands
- Backgrounds
- Backgrounds stands
- Video processing software
- Web hosting
- Website building
- Website maintenance
- Education
- External collaboration
Make your contribution today!
Meet the team
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Свържете се с
Организация: Croatian Association of Sign Language Interpreters
Адрес: M. Vaupotića 23b, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia
Представител: Dorijana Kavčić, interpreter & educator, Ivona Magdić, marketing & PR
PIN: 85865200645
Електронна поща: mojaprvaznakovnica@gmail.com
Мобилен: +385 (0)91 4619 107
Уебсайт: https://www.prevoditeljihzj.eu/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MojaPrvaZnakovnica
Инстаграм: https://www.instagram.com/mojaprvaznakovnica/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/moja-prva-znakovnica/

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