Krátky príbeh
Through the crowdfunding campaign “Let’s Build the Oasis of the Immaculate, the Croatian Niepokalanów in Molve”, we aim to construct a spiritual and pastoral center that will include a chapel for prayer and perpetual adoration, accommodation facilities for pilgrims, a hall and rooms for educational activities, and an interpretive center showcasing the spiritual, cultural, and natural heritage of Podravina.
Support our efforts to build the Oasis of the Immaculate through the international crowdfunding platform Bona Fides Invest, and share the news about the campaign with your friends and family. Together, we can create a place that will bring peace, joy, and blessings to all who visit!
Let’s Build the Oasis of the Immaculate, the Croatian Niepokalanów in Molve

O nás
The Marian Shrine in Molve, located in Podravina between Koprivnica and Đurđevac and managed by the Conventual Franciscans, has a long and rich tradition of pilgrimage to Our Lady of Molve. Over the centuries, the shrine has become a gathering center for believers from all over Croatia and the world who come to pray before the miraculous statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary, dating back to 1470. The shrine regularly organizes Holy Masses, prayers, pilgrimages, and spiritual renewals that strengthen the faith and community of believers. To further its spiritual and pastoral mission, the shrine has launched a project to build the Oasis of the Immaculate spiritual and pastoral center.
About the project
The Oasis of the Immaculate, the Croatian Niepokalanów in Molve, will be a haven for prayer and fellowship, open to all who see Mary as their Mother, Mediator, and Advocate. The Oasis will include:
- A chapel for prayer and perpetual adoration;
- A hall and rooms for spiritual renewals, workshops, and educational programs focused on spiritual and personal development;
- Accommodation facilities for pilgrims with 60 beds;
- An interpretive center showcasing the spiritual, cultural, and natural heritage of the Podravina region.
The Oasis of the Immaculate will be a place open to pilgrims and visitors from all walks of life who seek peace and wish to strengthen, renew, or find their faith.
Project budget
Breakdown of the estimated costs:
- Medium roh-bau (earthworks, thermal insulation, foundation slabs, load-bearing walls, partition walls, roofing, and sheet metal): €1,035,000.00
- Facade envelope: €70,000.00
- Carpentry: €211,800.00
- Plumbing work: €160,000.00
- Electrical installations: €128,500.00
- Heating and cooling systems: €258,810.00
- Floors (screed, tiles, and parquet): €214,172.00
- Plastering: €109,073.00
- Wall sanding and painting: €50,000.00
- Equipping the facility: €360,000.00
- Landscaping around the facility: €182,000.00
- Solar power plant: €50,000.00
- Various costs (permits, utilities, etc.): €100,000.00
TOTAL: €2,929,355.00 (excluding VAT) – €3,661,693.75 with VAT
So far, we have raised and invested €1 million in the construction of the Oasis of the Immaculate.
To successfully complete the construction of the Oasis of the Immaculate, we need your financial support. With your help, we can ensure that the Oasis of the Immaculate becomes a reality. Every donation, regardless of size, is of great significance. Your generosity will be a blessing for you and for many generations to come.
Odmeny pre podporovateľov
We have prepared special gifts for all campaign supporters:
- Digitálne poďakovanie
A personalized digital thank-you note signed by the shrine guardian. - Pozvánka na slávnostné otvorenie a prehliadku so sprievodcom
Participation in the opening event and a guided tour of the Immaculate Oasis led by the shrine guardian. - Meno na stene darcu
Vaše meno bude umiestnené na stene darcov. - Logo na stene darcu
Vaše logo bude umiestnené na stene darcov. - Personalizované video s poďakovaním
A personalized thank-you video from the shrine guardian. - Weekend package
A weekend package in the completed tourist complex. - Pozvánka na podujatie
Pozvánka na podujatie so špeciálnymi hosťami. - Právo na pomenovanie miestnosti alebo oblasti
Právo pomenovať miestnosť alebo oblasť v rámci dokončeného komplexu. - Účasť na projekte
možnosť zúčastňovať sa na diskusiách týkajúcich sa využívania finančných zdrojov.
Spôsoby, ako môžete pomôcť
- Darujte peniaze alebo stavebné služby
Každý príspevok bez ohľadu na výšku nás priblíži k realizácii tohto významného projektu. - Zdieľanie noviniek o kampani
Šírte informácie o našej kampani so svojou rodinou a priateľmi prostredníctvom sociálnych médií. - Modlite sa za úspech
Keep the Immaculate Oasis and all those involved in its realization in your prayers.
Campaign team
Father Zdravko Tuba, OFMConv.
Guardian and custodian of the Shrine of Our Lady of Molve and national leader of the Militia of the Immaculata. Born in Molve, he earned a Master’s degree in Theology in Rome. As a friar and priest, with God’s help, he has been the leader and organizer of numerous spiritual and cultural events across Croatia. Since 2018, as the superior of the monastery in Molve, he has overseen the acquisition of project documentation for the Spiritual and Pastoral Center Oaza Bezgrešne and monitored the construction of the mentioned building. In addition to this project, he initiated the social activity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Monastery in Molve, providing assistance to those in need. In Zagreb, as the guardian, he led the renovation of the interior of the basilica of the National Shrine of St. Anthony of Padua and the construction of the bell tower in 2019. During his service as guardian in Cres from 2010 to 2018, he supervised the renovation of the St. Francis Monastery, a protected cultural monument. He also led the preparation of project documentation for the renovation of the 15th-century monastery house for tourism purposes.
Dario Jakovljević
Architect and owner of the architectural firm Ravna Crta d.o.o. He actively participates in the management of the Christian Business Club and is also a Third Order Franciscan. He is a native German speaker and leads the project in Molve on behalf of the Christian Business Club.
Krešimir Prevendar
A former banker specialized in designing small eco-systems, ethical banking, and the development of religious tourism in Croatia. He is the owner of the travel agency Marta & Marija and the president of the Christian Business Club. In his free time, he enjoys nature walks and football.
Lana Jukić
A tourism manager with international experience, a professor of history and geography, and the director of the Heritage Croatia portal. She is involved in heritage mapping and the development of tourist products. She is a native English speaker and actively participates in the management of the Christian Business Club.
Tanja Kurilić
With extensive experience in management and international trade, Tanja has demonstrated her expertise in markets around the world, including Europe, Africa, South America, the Middle East, and China. As a proficient speaker of English and Italian, Tanja leads communication with international donors and partners. She is dedicated to the construction of the Oasis of the Immaculate in Molve, using her knowledge and experience to ensure that this project becomes a spiritual refuge for believers worldwide.
Zoran Rajn
Zoran Rajn is a social innovator, entrepreneur, and expert in the field of crowdfunding and innovative project financing models with more than 10 years of experience. As a project manager and consultant, he has led numerous projects in the private, civil, and public sectors. He is the founder and president of the Center for Social Innovation and Sustainable Development (CEDIOR) and the executive director of the International Crowdfunding Center (ICFC). In addition to his professional achievements, Zoran is an engaged Catholic layman, actively participating in his community and dedicating his time to various charitable and faith-based activities. His commitment to his faith and his profession underscores his holistic approach to leadership and service.
Word from the ambassadors
It is an honor for me to support this wonderful project. Oaza Bezgrešne will be a place of peace, reflection, and spiritual growth. I invite everyone to contribute and be a part of this significant project. – Fra Stjepan Brčina
Word from our pilgrims
A visit to the Marian shrine in Molve always fills me with peace and love. It is a great treasure to have such a place in the heart of Podravina. – Renata
Our visit to Molve today left a deep and beautiful impression on me. The beauty of nature and the magnificent church, which truly opens the way to heaven like a cathedral, enchanted me upon arrival. The Chapel of Our Lady of Molve, its miraculous statue, and the inspiring explanations by Fra Zdravko filled me with admiration. The grandeur and beauty of the parish church, with the beautiful altarpiece of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the statue of St. Philomena, and the testimonies of answered prayers shared by Fra Zdravko, were truly moving. All these impressions were crowned by the statue of Our Lady of the Immaculate, which protects and embraces the entire shrine with her motherly hug. The sight of this statue filled me with the immense, tender love of our Mother. It is hard to express in words the strength of this love, protection, and gentle security that emanates from her motherly gaze. – Ivana
This was my first time in Molve, and I learned a lot. The shrine is beautiful; it delighted me, and you can feel Mary’s presence and spirit. I was reminded of Maximilian Kolbe and the Militia Immaculataee—the power of the miraculous medal. The friar encouraged me to turn to her and pray for her intercession for myself and my family. – Đurđica
Today, I dedicated my family and myself to our dear Mother at the shrine. The friar’s words brought Mary to life in my heart. – Eva
After the pilgrimage to Ludbreg, when the soul was full of grace on the way home, a stop in Molve seemed like a brief rest and greeting to Our Lady. However, it turned out to be the most beautiful surprise. Thank you, Our Lady of Molve, for the grace I received today through your intercession—for special insights into the dilemmas of my life. Immaculate Virgin, bathed in your love and strengthened by your power, I continue my life’s journey with the unique goal of conforming to Christ. Thank you, Mary, for your presence in my life. – Daria
I am still reflecting on the impressions in my heart. A place I didn’t even know about until today. A place where tangible grace is so close to all of us. I feel great joy and great peace at the same time—complete fulfillment. Again, I must mention that I was so close, yet I didn’t know. It was a special day to celebrate and experience the closeness of the Immaculate Mary. It left a special mark, so I believe more strongly, testify more strongly, and spread through my actions what the Immaculate Mary does. My recommendation to everyone who hasn’t been is to come to Molve and feel the power of love that works wonders when you surrender into Mary’s hands. – Vesna
Molve, as a Marian shrine and a pilgrimage center of the Podravina region, impressed me with its tranquility. It is an ideal place to escape the city’s noise and the hustle and bustle of life. A true oasis of peace for the soul and body. – A Pilgrim from Zagreb
The Miraculous Medal of the Blessed Virgin Mary, through which many people received spiritual and material graces, was placed in the foundation of the Oasis of the Immaculate.
Media supporting our work
We are grateful to the numerous media outlets that support and promote the work of the shrine, especially Laudato TV, Croatian Catholic Network (HKM), Radio Maria, Croatian Catholic Radio, portals Croatia Week,,, Glas Podravine, Podravski list, Podravske širine, Heritage Croatia, and others.
Ako darovať (je to jednoduché!)
Na úspešné vykonanie platby je potrebné:
1. Ak používate prenosný počítač, vyberte požadovanú sumu platby na pravom okraji stránky kampane alebo vyberte ľubovoľnú sumu v záhlaví stránky, a ak používate mobilnú verziu, vyberte požadovanú sumu na začiatku alebo prejdite na koniec stránky kampane;
2. zadajte požadované osobné údaje do formulára;
3. vyberte požadovaný spôsob platby:
a) kartou Mastercard®, Maestro® alebo Visa (možnosť Monri);
b) Kryptomena cez PayCek;
c) KEKS Pay;
d) Airchash;
e) Všeobecný platobný doklad alebo internetový či mobilný banking.
4. potvrdiť platbu podľa ďalších pokynov platformy.
Po vykonaní platby je potrebné počkať určitý čas, kým sa platba je spracovaná a zaznamenané na stránke kampane. Platby uskutočnené prostredníctvom všeobecného platobného dokladu alebo internetového/mobilného bankovníctva sa zaznamenajú do 1 až 2 pracovných dní a platby uskutočnené prostredníctvom kariet, kryptomien, Aircash alebo KEKS Pay do 1 až 12 hodín.
V prípade ďalších technických otázok týkajúcich sa platby nás kontaktujte prostredníctvom e-mailovej adresy alebo telefónne číslo +385 (0)98 611 467.
Pri tejto príležitosti ďakujeme ZABA Bank a Monri,, ktorá umožnila platbu kartami Mastercard®, Maestro® a Visa, Erste Bank ktorá umožnila platbu pomocou aplikácie KEKS Pay, Airchash s.r.o., ktorá umožnila platbu pomocou Aircash mobilná peňaženka a Electrocoin a PayCek, ktoré umožnili platby kryptomenami. Ďakujeme aj hostingovej spoločnosti MyDataKnox za údržbu servera.
Názov organizácie: The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Conventual Franciscan Monastery in Molve
Adresa organizácie: Virovska 21, Molve
Zástupca: Father Zdravko Tuba, OFMConv., guardian
Mobilný telefón: +385915386462
Telefón: +38548892103
Webová lokalita:
IČ DPH: 78265547561
Názov | Darovať sumu | Dátum |
Josip Kolić | €100.00 | 01/11/2024 05:43 |
Tin Fićko | €20.00 | 16/09/2024 18:33 |
Anonymný | €300.00 | 13/09/2024 20:01 |
Ante Mihaljević | €20.00 | 27/08/2024 14:54 |
Anonymný | €20.00 | 20/08/2024 19:54 |
Ivana Marović | €20.00 | 17/08/2024 07:02 |
Ivana Ožbolt | €100.00 | 15/08/2024 08:41 |
Anonymný | €20.00 | 14/08/2024 21:17 |
Katarína Papac | €20.00 | 14/08/2024 11:31 |
Anonymný | €100.00 | 14/08/2024 10:33 |
Anonymný | €20.00 | 14/08/2024 07:07 |
Maja Rumenjak | €100.00 | 07/08/2024 15:45 |
Anonymný | €20.00 | 07/08/2024 15:14 |
Anonymný | €40.00 | 03/07/2024 12:56 |
Anonymný | €140.00 | 12/06/2024 20:35 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 06/06/2024 15:53 |
Anonymný | €5,000.00 | 06/06/2024 15:50 |
Anonymný | €20,000.00 | 06/06/2024 15:50 |
Anonymný | €900.00 | 06/06/2024 15:48 |
Anonymný | €600.00 | 06/06/2024 15:48 |
Anonymný | €500.00 | 06/06/2024 15:47 |
Anonymný | €2,000.00 | 06/06/2024 15:46 |
Anonymný | €300.00 | 06/06/2024 15:45 |
Anonymný | €700.00 | 06/06/2024 15:45 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 06/06/2024 15:44 |
Anonymný | €100.00 | 05/06/2024 15:02 |
Anonymný | €20,000.00 | 05/06/2024 08:05 |
Anonymný | €300.00 | 05/06/2024 08:04 |
Anonymný | €890.00 | 05/06/2024 08:03 |
Anonymný | €890.00 | 05/06/2024 08:03 |
Anonymný | €500.00 | 05/06/2024 08:02 |
Anonymný | €780.00 | 05/06/2024 08:01 |
Anonymný | €550.00 | 05/06/2024 08:00 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 05/06/2024 08:00 |
Anonymný | €500.00 | 05/06/2024 07:59 |
Anonymný | €900.00 | 05/06/2024 07:58 |
Anonymný | €900.00 | 05/06/2024 07:57 |
Anonymný | €650.00 | 05/06/2024 07:57 |
Anonymný | €850.00 | 05/06/2024 07:56 |
Anonymný | €700.00 | 05/06/2024 07:55 |
Anonymný | €990.00 | 05/06/2024 07:54 |
Anonymný | €2,000.00 | 05/06/2024 07:53 |
Anonymný | €560.00 | 05/06/2024 07:53 |
Anonymný | €400.00 | 05/06/2024 07:52 |
Anonymný | €600.00 | 05/06/2024 07:51 |
Anonymný | €800.00 | 05/06/2024 07:51 |
Anonymný | €800.00 | 05/06/2024 07:50 |
Anonymný | €400.00 | 05/06/2024 07:49 |
Anonymný | €10,000.00 | 05/06/2024 07:42 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 05/06/2024 07:41 |
Anonymný | €900.00 | 05/06/2024 07:41 |
Anonymný | €800.00 | 05/06/2024 07:40 |
Anonymný | €700.00 | 05/06/2024 07:39 |
Anonymný | €500.00 | 05/06/2024 07:38 |
Anonymný | €450.00 | 05/06/2024 07:38 |
Anonymný | €900.00 | 05/06/2024 07:37 |
Anonymný | €780.00 | 05/06/2024 07:36 |
Anonymný | €300.00 | 05/06/2024 07:35 |
Anonymný | €950.00 | 05/06/2024 07:34 |
Anonymný | €700.00 | 05/06/2024 07:33 |
Anonymný | €560.00 | 05/06/2024 07:32 |
Anonymný | €450.00 | 05/06/2024 07:32 |
Anonymný | €8,000.00 | 05/06/2024 07:31 |
Anonymný | €900.00 | 05/06/2024 07:30 |
Anonymný | €200.00 | 05/06/2024 07:29 |
Anonymný | €750.00 | 05/06/2024 07:29 |
Anonymný | €600.00 | 05/06/2024 07:28 |
Anonymný | €300.00 | 05/06/2024 07:27 |
Anonymný | €500.00 | 05/06/2024 07:26 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 05/06/2024 07:26 |
Anonymný | €5,000.00 | 05/06/2024 07:25 |
Anonymný | €5,500.00 | 04/06/2024 16:22 |
Anonymný | €1,200.00 | 04/06/2024 16:22 |
Anonymný | €900.00 | 04/06/2024 16:20 |
Anonymný | €850.00 | 04/06/2024 16:20 |
Anonymný | €850.00 | 04/06/2024 16:19 |
Anonymný | €450.00 | 04/06/2024 16:18 |
Anonymný | €500.00 | 04/06/2024 16:17 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 04/06/2024 16:17 |
Anonymný | €750.00 | 04/06/2024 16:16 |
Anonymný | €1,200.00 | 04/06/2024 15:24 |
Anonymný | €700.00 | 04/06/2024 15:24 |
Anonymný | €800.00 | 04/06/2024 15:23 |
Anonymný | €3,000.00 | 04/06/2024 15:22 |
Anonymný | €900.00 | 04/06/2024 15:21 |
Anonymný | €900.00 | 04/06/2024 15:21 |
Anonymný | €600.00 | 04/06/2024 15:19 |
Anonymný | €2,000.00 | 04/06/2024 15:19 |
Anonymný | €900.00 | 04/06/2024 14:31 |
Anonymný | €1,200.00 | 04/06/2024 14:30 |
Anonymný | €300.00 | 04/06/2024 14:29 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 04/06/2024 14:28 |
Anonymný | €740.00 | 04/06/2024 14:27 |
Anonymný | €600.00 | 04/06/2024 14:26 |
Anonymný | €7,000.00 | 04/06/2024 14:25 |
Anonymný | €200.00 | 04/06/2024 14:25 |
Anonymný | €4,000.00 | 04/06/2024 14:24 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 04/06/2024 14:23 |
Anonymný | €900.00 | 04/06/2024 14:22 |
Anonymný | €700.00 | 04/06/2024 14:22 |
Anonymný | €140.00 | 04/06/2024 14:21 |
Anonymný | €870.00 | 04/06/2024 14:20 |
Anonymný | €2,000.00 | 04/06/2024 14:19 |
Anonymný | €2,350.00 | 04/06/2024 14:17 |
Anonymný | €1,150.00 | 04/06/2024 14:16 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 04/06/2024 14:16 |
Anonymný | €700.00 | 04/06/2024 14:15 |
Anonymný | €500.00 | 04/06/2024 14:14 |
Anonymný | €900.00 | 04/06/2024 14:13 |
Anonymný | €800.00 | 04/06/2024 14:13 |
Anonymný | €690.00 | 04/06/2024 14:12 |
Anonymný | €5,000.00 | 04/06/2024 14:11 |
Anonymný | €3,000.00 | 04/06/2024 14:10 |
Anonymný | €10,000.00 | 04/06/2024 14:08 |
Anonymný | €260.00 | 04/06/2024 14:06 |
Anonymný | €600.00 | 04/06/2024 14:06 |
Anonymný | €500.00 | 04/06/2024 14:05 |
Anonymný | €700.00 | 04/06/2024 14:04 |
Anonymný | €350.00 | 04/06/2024 14:03 |
Anonymný | €4,200.00 | 04/06/2024 14:02 |
Anonymný | €200.00 | 04/06/2024 14:02 |
Anonymný | €700.00 | 04/06/2024 14:01 |
Anonymný | €2,300.00 | 04/06/2024 13:54 |
Anonymný | €750.00 | 04/06/2024 13:53 |
Anonymný | €600.00 | 04/06/2024 13:53 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 04/06/2024 13:52 |
Anonymný | €900.00 | 04/06/2024 13:50 |
Anonymný | €800.00 | 04/06/2024 13:45 |
Anonymný | €450.00 | 04/06/2024 13:44 |
Anonymný | €2,000.00 | 04/06/2024 13:43 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 04/06/2024 13:42 |
Anonymný | €670.00 | 04/06/2024 13:19 |
Anonymný | €500.00 | 04/06/2024 13:18 |
Anonymný | €330.00 | 04/06/2024 13:17 |
Anonymný | €8,000.00 | 04/06/2024 13:16 |
Anonymný | €600.00 | 04/06/2024 13:16 |
Anonymný | €1,300.00 | 04/06/2024 13:15 |
Anonymný | €980.00 | 04/06/2024 13:14 |
Anonymný | €200.00 | 04/06/2024 13:13 |
Anonymný | €1,200.00 | 04/06/2024 13:13 |
Anonymný | €670.00 | 04/06/2024 13:12 |
Anonymný | €170.00 | 04/06/2024 13:11 |
Anonymný | €2,300.00 | 04/06/2024 13:11 |
Anonymný | €710.00 | 04/06/2024 13:10 |
Anonymný | €3,200.00 | 04/06/2024 13:09 |
Anonymný | €230.00 | 04/06/2024 13:08 |
Anonymný | €430.00 | 04/06/2024 13:08 |
Anonymný | €880.00 | 04/06/2024 13:06 |
Anonymný | €220.00 | 04/06/2024 13:05 |
Anonymný | €6,000.00 | 04/06/2024 13:04 |
Anonymný | €4,500.00 | 04/06/2024 13:03 |
Anonymný | €300.00 | 04/06/2024 13:02 |
Anonymný | €250.00 | 04/06/2024 13:02 |
Anonymný | €730.00 | 04/06/2024 13:01 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 04/06/2024 13:00 |
Anonymný | €600.00 | 04/06/2024 12:59 |
Anonymný | €750.00 | 04/06/2024 12:59 |
Anonymný | €400.00 | 04/06/2024 12:58 |
Anonymný | €2,000.00 | 04/06/2024 12:57 |
Anonymný | €300.00 | 04/06/2024 12:57 |
Anonymný | €550.00 | 04/06/2024 12:56 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 04/06/2024 12:55 |
Anonymný | €450.00 | 04/06/2024 11:45 |
Anonymný | €2,500.00 | 04/06/2024 11:44 |
Anonymný | €900.00 | 04/06/2024 11:43 |
Anonymný | €1,500.00 | 04/06/2024 11:42 |
Anonymný | €700.00 | 04/06/2024 11:41 |
Anonymný | €600.00 | 04/06/2024 11:41 |
Anonymný | €5,000.00 | 04/06/2024 11:19 |
Anonymný | €5,000.00 | 04/06/2024 11:18 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 04/06/2024 11:17 |
Anonymný | €730.00 | 04/06/2024 11:16 |
Anonymný | €400.00 | 04/06/2024 11:15 |
Anonymný | €50.00 | 04/06/2024 11:14 |
Anonymný | €455.00 | 04/06/2024 11:13 |
Anonymný | €7,700.00 | 04/06/2024 11:12 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 04/06/2024 11:11 |
Anonymný | €560.00 | 04/06/2024 11:11 |
Anonymný | €980.00 | 04/06/2024 11:10 |
Anonymný | €730.00 | 04/06/2024 11:09 |
Anonymný | €11,000.00 | 04/06/2024 11:06 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 04/06/2024 11:05 |
Anonymný | €700.00 | 04/06/2024 11:04 |
Anonymný | €350.00 | 04/06/2024 11:03 |
Anonymný | €2,000.00 | 04/06/2024 11:02 |
Anonymný | €950.00 | 04/06/2024 11:01 |
Anonymný | €400.00 | 04/06/2024 11:01 |
Anonymný | €400.00 | 04/06/2024 11:00 |
Anonymný | €5,000.00 | 04/06/2024 10:59 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 04/06/2024 10:58 |
Anonymný | €900.00 | 04/06/2024 10:57 |
Anonymný | €750.00 | 04/06/2024 10:56 |
Anonymný | €600.00 | 04/06/2024 10:56 |
Anonymný | €700.00 | 04/06/2024 10:55 |
Anonymný | €570.00 | 04/06/2024 10:54 |
Anonymný | €500.00 | 04/06/2024 10:54 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 04/06/2024 10:53 |
Anonymný | €500.00 | 04/06/2024 10:33 |
Anonymný | €700.00 | 04/06/2024 10:18 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 04/06/2024 10:17 |
Anonymný | €900.00 | 04/06/2024 10:13 |
Anonymný | €5,000.00 | 04/06/2024 10:13 |
Anonymný | €900.00 | 04/06/2024 10:12 |
Anonymný | €500.00 | 04/06/2024 10:11 |
Anonymný | €800.00 | 04/06/2024 10:10 |
Anonymný | €700.00 | 04/06/2024 10:10 |
Anonymný | €440.00 | 04/06/2024 10:09 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 04/06/2024 10:08 |
Anonymný | €700.00 | 04/06/2024 10:07 |
Anonymný | €500.00 | 04/06/2024 10:06 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 04/06/2024 10:05 |
Anonymný | €900.00 | 04/06/2024 10:04 |
Anonymný | €800.00 | 04/06/2024 10:04 |
Anonymný | €690.00 | 04/06/2024 10:03 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 04/06/2024 10:02 |
Anonymný | €550.00 | 04/06/2024 10:02 |
Anonymný | €299.00 | 04/06/2024 10:01 |
Anonymný | €900.00 | 04/06/2024 10:00 |
Anonymný | €400.00 | 04/06/2024 09:58 |
Anonymný | €650.00 | 04/06/2024 09:58 |
Anonymný | €500.00 | 04/06/2024 09:57 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 04/06/2024 09:56 |
Anonymný | €700.00 | 04/06/2024 09:55 |
Anonymný | €300.00 | 04/06/2024 09:54 |
Anonymný | €750.00 | 04/06/2024 09:53 |
Anonymný | €650.00 | 04/06/2024 09:52 |
Anonymný | €700.00 | 04/06/2024 09:51 |
Anonymný | €550.00 | 04/06/2024 09:51 |
Anonymný | €100.00 | 04/06/2024 09:50 |
Anonymný | €700.00 | 04/06/2024 09:49 |
Anonymný | €450.00 | 04/06/2024 09:48 |
Anonymný | €700.00 | 04/06/2024 09:46 |
Anonymný | €600.00 | 04/06/2024 09:46 |
Anonymný | €700.00 | 04/06/2024 09:45 |
Anonymný | €800.00 | 04/06/2024 09:44 |
Anonymný | €750.00 | 04/06/2024 09:43 |
Anonymný | €250.00 | 04/06/2024 09:42 |
Anonymný | €350.00 | 04/06/2024 09:41 |
Anonymný | €500.00 | 04/06/2024 09:39 |
Anonymný | €650.00 | 04/06/2024 09:39 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 04/06/2024 09:38 |
Anonymný | €700.00 | 04/06/2024 09:37 |
Anonymný | €150.00 | 04/06/2024 09:36 |
Anonymný | €890.00 | 04/06/2024 09:34 |
Anonymný | €350.00 | 04/06/2024 09:33 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 04/06/2024 09:33 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 04/06/2024 09:31 |
Anonymný | €700.00 | 04/06/2024 09:31 |
Anonymný | €500.00 | 04/06/2024 09:30 |
Anonymný | €500.00 | 04/06/2024 09:29 |
Anonymný | €800.00 | 04/06/2024 09:29 |
Anonymný | €800.00 | 04/06/2024 09:12 |
Anonymný | €800.00 | 04/06/2024 09:12 |
Anonymný | €700.00 | 04/06/2024 09:11 |
Anonymný | €500.00 | 04/06/2024 09:10 |
Anonymný | €30,000.00 | 04/06/2024 09:09 |
Anonymný | €850.00 | 04/06/2024 09:08 |
Anonymný | €50.00 | 04/06/2024 09:07 |
Anonymný | €100.00 | 04/06/2024 09:07 |
Anonymný | €15,000.00 | 04/06/2024 09:06 |
Anonymný | €7,000.00 | 04/06/2024 09:05 |
Anonymný | €790.00 | 04/06/2024 09:05 |
Anonymný | €750.00 | 04/06/2024 09:04 |
Anonymný | €600.00 | 04/06/2024 09:03 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 04/06/2024 09:02 |
Anonymný | €900.00 | 04/06/2024 09:02 |
Anonymný | €550.00 | 04/06/2024 09:01 |
Anonymný | €780.00 | 04/06/2024 09:00 |
Anonymný | €650.00 | 04/06/2024 08:59 |
Anonymný | €750.00 | 04/06/2024 08:59 |
Anonymný | €300.00 | 04/06/2024 08:58 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 04/06/2024 08:57 |
Anonymný | €550.00 | 04/06/2024 08:56 |
Anonymný | €400.00 | 04/06/2024 08:55 |
Anonymný | €600.00 | 04/06/2024 08:54 |
Anonymný | €500.00 | 04/06/2024 08:53 |
Anonymný | €900.00 | 04/06/2024 08:53 |
Anonymný | €700.00 | 04/06/2024 08:50 |
Anonymný | €800.00 | 04/06/2024 08:49 |
Anonymný | €600.00 | 04/06/2024 08:49 |
Anonymný | €750.00 | 04/06/2024 08:48 |
Anonymný | €200.00 | 04/06/2024 08:47 |
Anonymný | €2,000.00 | 04/06/2024 08:46 |
Anonymný | €1,500.00 | 04/06/2024 08:46 |
Anonymný | €600.00 | 04/06/2024 08:45 |
Anonymný | €800.00 | 04/06/2024 08:44 |
Anonymný | €500.00 | 04/06/2024 08:42 |
Anonymný | €700.00 | 04/06/2024 08:39 |
Anonymný | €180.00 | 04/06/2024 08:38 |
Anonymný | €3,500.00 | 04/06/2024 08:37 |
Anonymný | €300.00 | 04/06/2024 08:37 |
Anonymný | €800.00 | 04/06/2024 08:36 |
Anonymný | €500.00 | 04/06/2024 08:35 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 04/06/2024 08:35 |
Anonymný | €4,000.00 | 04/06/2024 08:34 |
Anonymný | €50.00 | 04/06/2024 08:33 |
Anonymný | €700.00 | 04/06/2024 08:33 |
Anonymný | €700.00 | 04/06/2024 08:24 |
Anonymný | €300.00 | 04/06/2024 08:23 |
Anonymný | €900.00 | 04/06/2024 08:22 |
Anonymný | €400.00 | 04/06/2024 08:21 |
Anonymný | €500.00 | 04/06/2024 08:20 |
Anonymný | €600.00 | 04/06/2024 08:19 |
Anonymný | €700.00 | 04/06/2024 08:19 |
Anonymný | €600.00 | 04/06/2024 08:18 |
Anonymný | €500.00 | 04/06/2024 08:17 |
Anonymný | €900.00 | 04/06/2024 08:16 |
Anonymný | €750.00 | 04/06/2024 08:16 |
Anonymný | €700.00 | 04/06/2024 08:15 |
Anonymný | €3,000.00 | 04/06/2024 08:14 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 04/06/2024 08:13 |
Anonymný | €200.00 | 04/06/2024 08:12 |
Anonymný | €400.00 | 04/06/2024 08:11 |
Anonymný | €550.00 | 04/06/2024 08:11 |
Anonymný | €60.00 | 04/06/2024 08:10 |
Anonymný | €500.00 | 04/06/2024 08:09 |
Anonymný | €200.00 | 04/06/2024 08:08 |
Anonymný | €100.00 | 04/06/2024 08:08 |
Anonymný | €40.00 | 04/06/2024 08:07 |
Anonymný | €300.00 | 04/06/2024 08:06 |
Anonymný | €400.00 | 04/06/2024 08:05 |
Anonymný | €900.00 | 04/06/2024 08:05 |
Anonymný | €20.00 | 04/06/2024 08:04 |
Anonymný | €500.00 | 04/06/2024 08:03 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 04/06/2024 08:02 |
Anonymný | €670.00 | 04/06/2024 08:02 |
Anonymný | €40.00 | 04/06/2024 08:01 |
Anonymný | €6,000.00 | 04/06/2024 08:00 |
Anonymný | €730.00 | 04/06/2024 07:59 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 04/06/2024 07:59 |
Anonymný | €735.00 | 04/06/2024 07:58 |
Anonymný | €680.00 | 04/06/2024 07:57 |
Anonymný | €150.00 | 04/06/2024 07:57 |
Anonymný | €50.00 | 04/06/2024 07:56 |
Anonymný | €5,000.00 | 04/06/2024 07:55 |
Anonymný | €300.00 | 04/06/2024 07:54 |
Anonymný | €650.00 | 04/06/2024 07:54 |
Anonymný | €800.00 | 04/06/2024 07:53 |
Anonymný | €900.00 | 04/06/2024 07:52 |
Anonymný | €940.00 | 04/06/2024 07:51 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 04/06/2024 07:51 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 04/06/2024 07:49 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 04/06/2024 07:48 |
Anonymný | €400.00 | 04/06/2024 07:48 |
Anonymný | €800.00 | 04/06/2024 07:47 |
Anonymný | €790.00 | 04/06/2024 07:46 |
Anonymný | €900.00 | 04/06/2024 07:46 |
Anonymný | €700.00 | 04/06/2024 07:45 |
Anonymný | €800.00 | 04/06/2024 07:44 |
Anonymný | €780.00 | 04/06/2024 07:43 |
Anonymný | €600.00 | 04/06/2024 07:43 |
Anonymný | €900.00 | 04/06/2024 07:42 |
Anonymný | €700.00 | 04/06/2024 07:41 |
Anonymný | €500.00 | 04/06/2024 07:40 |
Anonymný | €750.00 | 04/06/2024 07:40 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 04/06/2024 07:39 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 04/06/2024 07:38 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 04/06/2024 07:37 |
Anonymný | €800.00 | 04/06/2024 07:36 |
Anonymný | €200.00 | 04/06/2024 07:35 |
Anonymný | €50.00 | 04/06/2024 07:34 |
Anonymný | €20.00 | 04/06/2024 07:33 |
Anonymný | €650.00 | 04/06/2024 07:32 |
Anonymný | €650.00 | 04/06/2024 07:32 |
Anonymný | €750.00 | 04/06/2024 07:31 |
Anonymný | €400.00 | 04/06/2024 07:30 |
Anonymný | €400.00 | 04/06/2024 07:30 |
Anonymný | €500.00 | 04/06/2024 07:29 |
Anonymný | €700.00 | 04/06/2024 07:28 |
Anonymný | €900.00 | 04/06/2024 07:27 |
Anonymný | €500.00 | 04/06/2024 07:26 |
Anonymný | €400.00 | 04/06/2024 07:26 |
Anonymný | €400.00 | 04/06/2024 07:23 |
Anonymný | €300.00 | 04/06/2024 07:23 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 04/06/2024 07:22 |
Anonymný | €800.00 | 04/06/2024 07:21 |
Anonymný | €800.00 | 04/06/2024 07:20 |
Anonymný | €600.00 | 04/06/2024 07:20 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 04/06/2024 07:19 |
Anonymný | €700.00 | 04/06/2024 07:18 |
Anonymný | €200.00 | 04/06/2024 07:18 |
Anonymný | €300.00 | 04/06/2024 07:17 |
Anonymný | €400.00 | 04/06/2024 07:16 |
Anonymný | €400.00 | 04/06/2024 07:15 |
Anonymný | €500.00 | 04/06/2024 07:02 |
Anonymný | €500.00 | 04/06/2024 07:01 |
Anonymný | €500.00 | 04/06/2024 07:01 |
Anonymný | €500.00 | 04/06/2024 07:00 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 04/06/2024 06:59 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 03/06/2024 17:35 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 03/06/2024 17:34 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 03/06/2024 17:33 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 03/06/2024 17:33 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 03/06/2024 17:32 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 03/06/2024 17:31 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 03/06/2024 17:31 |
Anonymný | €9,000.00 | 03/06/2024 15:53 |
Anonymný | €5,300.00 | 03/06/2024 15:51 |
Anonymný | €9,600.00 | 03/06/2024 15:50 |
Anonymný | €3,500.00 | 03/06/2024 15:49 |
Anonymný | €1,500.00 | 03/06/2024 15:48 |
Anonymný | €6,500.00 | 03/06/2024 15:48 |
Anonymný | €6,500.00 | 03/06/2024 15:47 |
Anonymný | €5,000.00 | 03/06/2024 15:46 |
Anonymný | €2,800.00 | 03/06/2024 15:45 |
Anonymný | €10,000.00 | 03/06/2024 15:45 |
Anonymný | €7,000.00 | 03/06/2024 15:44 |
Anonymný | €7,000.00 | 03/06/2024 15:43 |
Anonymný | €7,000.00 | 03/06/2024 15:42 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 03/06/2024 15:42 |
Anonymný | €10,000.00 | 03/06/2024 15:41 |
Anonymný | €5,000.00 | 03/06/2024 15:40 |
Anonymný | €10,000.00 | 03/06/2024 15:13 |
Anonymný | €10,000.00 | 03/06/2024 15:12 |
Anonymný | €10,000.00 | 03/06/2024 15:12 |
Anonymný | €10,000.00 | 03/06/2024 14:58 |
Anonymný | €2,288.00 | 03/06/2024 14:57 |
Anonymný | €2,200.00 | 03/06/2024 14:56 |
Anonymný | €7,560.00 | 03/06/2024 14:55 |
Anonymný | €5,000.00 | 03/06/2024 14:55 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 03/06/2024 14:54 |
Anonymný | €7,700.00 | 03/06/2024 14:53 |
Anonymný | €2,800.00 | 03/06/2024 14:52 |
Anonymný | €10,000.00 | 03/06/2024 14:52 |
Anonymný | €3,600.00 | 03/06/2024 14:51 |
Anonymný | €5,800.00 | 03/06/2024 14:50 |
Anonymný | €4,600.00 | 03/06/2024 14:49 |
Anonymný | €2,700.00 | 03/06/2024 14:49 |
Anonymný | €4,800.00 | 03/06/2024 14:48 |
Anonymný | €9,200.00 | 03/06/2024 14:47 |
Anonymný | €5,500.00 | 03/06/2024 14:46 |
Anonymný | €4,100.00 | 03/06/2024 14:45 |
Anonymný | €3,200.00 | 03/06/2024 14:45 |
Anonymný | €6,850.00 | 03/06/2024 14:44 |
Anonymný | €6,200.00 | 03/06/2024 14:43 |
Anonymný | €2,500.00 | 03/06/2024 14:42 |
Anonymný | €7,500.00 | 03/06/2024 14:41 |
Anonymný | €1,100.00 | 03/06/2024 14:40 |
Anonymný | €6,400.00 | 03/06/2024 14:40 |
Anonymný | €8,800.00 | 03/06/2024 14:39 |
Anonymný | €3,300.00 | 03/06/2024 14:38 |
Anonymný | €9,500.00 | 03/06/2024 14:37 |
Anonymný | €3,100.00 | 03/06/2024 14:37 |
Anonymný | €2,300.00 | 03/06/2024 14:36 |
Anonymný | €1,700.00 | 03/06/2024 14:34 |
Anonymný | €10,000.00 | 03/06/2024 14:33 |
Anonymný | €3,000.00 | 03/06/2024 14:32 |
Anonymný | €500.00 | 03/06/2024 14:31 |
Anonymný | €150.00 | 03/06/2024 14:31 |
Anonymný | €200.00 | 03/06/2024 14:30 |
Anonymný | €500.00 | 03/06/2024 14:29 |
Anonymný | €1,500.00 | 03/06/2024 14:29 |
Anonymný | €5,000.00 | 03/06/2024 14:28 |
Anonymný | €10,000.00 | 03/06/2024 14:27 |
Anonymný | €2,000.00 | 03/06/2024 14:26 |
Anonymný | €4,500.00 | 03/06/2024 14:24 |
Anonymný | €2,000.00 | 03/06/2024 14:23 |
Anonymný | €3,000.00 | 03/06/2024 14:22 |
Anonymný | €600.00 | 03/06/2024 14:21 |
Anonymný | €200.00 | 03/06/2024 14:20 |
Anonymný | €1,500.00 | 03/06/2024 14:19 |
Anonymný | €200.00 | 03/06/2024 14:18 |
Anonymný | €3,000.00 | 03/06/2024 14:18 |
Anonymný | €150.00 | 03/06/2024 14:17 |
Anonymný | €2,000.00 | 03/06/2024 14:16 |
Anonymný | €50.00 | 03/06/2024 14:16 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 03/06/2024 14:14 |
Anonymný | €500.00 | 03/06/2024 14:14 |
Anonymný | €2,000.00 | 03/06/2024 14:06 |
Anonymný | €1,200.00 | 03/06/2024 14:06 |
Anonymný | €700.00 | 03/06/2024 14:05 |
Anonymný | €5,000.00 | 03/06/2024 14:04 |
Anonymný | €1,500.00 | 03/06/2024 14:03 |
Anonymný | €500.00 | 03/06/2024 14:02 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 03/06/2024 14:01 |
Anonymný | €2,500.00 | 03/06/2024 14:01 |
Anonymný | €200.00 | 03/06/2024 13:59 |
Anonymný | €10,000.00 | 03/06/2024 13:58 |
Anonymný | €5,000.00 | 03/06/2024 13:57 |
Anonymný | €150.00 | 03/06/2024 13:57 |
Anonymný | €50.00 | 03/06/2024 13:56 |
Anonymný | €30.00 | 03/06/2024 13:55 |
Anonymný | €300.00 | 03/06/2024 13:53 |
Anonymný | €2,000.00 | 03/06/2024 13:53 |
Anonymný | €700.00 | 03/06/2024 13:52 |
Anonymný | €500.00 | 03/06/2024 13:51 |
Anonymný | €100.00 | 03/06/2024 13:48 |
Anonymný | €50.00 | 03/06/2024 13:47 |
Anonymný | €80.00 | 03/06/2024 13:46 |
Anonymný | €500.00 | 03/06/2024 13:45 |
Anonymný | €30,000.00 | 03/06/2024 11:21 |
Tea Rogić | €40.00 | 03/06/2024 10:22 |
Katarina Vudjan | €20.00 | 03/06/2024 09:05 |
Anonymný | €30,000.00 | 03/06/2024 08:04 |
Anonymný | €50.00 | 03/06/2024 08:01 |
Anonymný | €50.00 | 03/06/2024 08:00 |
Anonymný | €30,000.00 | 03/06/2024 07:50 |
Anonymný | €5,000.00 | 03/06/2024 07:44 |
Marijan Meštrović | €20.00 | 03/06/2024 07:19 |
Martica Nađander | €20.00 | 03/06/2024 07:13 |
Margareta Begić | €20.00 | 02/06/2024 15:15 |
Anonymný | €2,000.00 | 02/06/2024 12:28 |
Anonymný | €400.00 | 02/06/2024 12:22 |
Anonymný | €15,000.00 | 02/06/2024 12:22 |
Anonymný | €1,000.00 | 02/06/2024 12:21 |
Anonymný | €300.00 | 02/06/2024 12:20 |
Anonymný | €50.00 | 02/06/2024 12:20 |
Anonymný | €100.00 | 02/06/2024 12:19 |
Anonymný | €20,000.00 | 02/06/2024 12:18 |
Anonymný | €2,000.00 | 02/06/2024 12:17 |
Anonymný | €500.00 | 02/06/2024 12:15 |
Anonymný | €10,000.00 | 02/06/2024 12:13 |
Nikto zatiaľ nepridal hodnotenie.