EoF dalyvis Zoran Rajn pristatė "Bona Fides Invest" sutelktinio finansavimo platformą ir Tarptautinio sutelktinio finansavimo centro (ICFC) pasaulinę partnerystės programą
Zoran Rajn, founder and president of the Center for Social Innovation and Sustainable Development (CEDIOR) and CEO of the International Crowdfunding Center (ICFC) within the Economy of Francesco (EoF) at Assisi, presented the Bona Fides Invest crowdfunding platform and Global Partnership Program of International Crowdfunding Center (ICFC).
Bona Fides Invest is a global crowdfunding platform that will soon be launched by the International Crowdfunding Center (ICFC). The platform is intended for companies, associations, public and academic institutions from all over the world whose projects meet the Cedior’s 4P eligibility principle – Pater, people, planet, profit according to which every project must be in accordance with God’s commandments, must be aimed at the good of people and the environment and it must be financially sustainable in the long term.
ICFC’s Global Partnership Program is a program through which participants of the Economy of Francesco (EoF) from different countries can become national ambassadors of the crowdfunding platform Bona Fides Invest and the International Crowdfunding Center (ICFC). The ambassador’s duty is to connect ICFC with individuals and organizations that need additional financial resources for the development of their own projects (fundraising). For each realized collaboration, national ambassadors receive compensation in a certain percentage of the value of the project.
The participants of the Economy of Francesco (EoF) showed great interest in both presented projects, and numerous contacts were established with participants from all continents. In the coming period, the International Crowdfunding Center (ICFC) will hold trainings on crowdfunding and crowdinvesting, through which the participants of the Economy of Francesco (EoF) will learn the methodology of preparing and implementing a crowdfunding campaign. The trainings will be held within the Financial Education School project, which was designed by EoF members of the village Finance and Humanity.
* Crowdfunding or group financing is an innovative and democratic project financing model which implies the public presentation of a venture through an internet platform and enabling citizens to invest money in it for altruistic reasons or with the aim of making a profit or gaining some other benefit. In doing so, it is possible to use several investment models: donations, sales with time distance, loans, investment in ownership shares and investment in profit shares. – Zoran Rajn, International Crowdfunding Center (ICFC)

Naujausios žinutės
Interviu su "Bona Fides Invest" generaliniu direktoriumi Zoranu Rajnu žurnalui "Entrepreneur
Interviu su Imockio žodžių namų įkūrėja Vesna Ujevič
Interviu su Tarptautinio sutelktinio finansavimo centro (ICFC) stažuotoju Dominiku Matkovičiumi
Unikali sutelktinio finansavimo metodika
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