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Bona Fides Invest - Raise and Rise
Intervju sa Zoranom Rajnom, izvršnim direktorom Bona Fides Investa za poslovni magazin Poduzetnik
Zoran Rajn holds an education for start-ups at the ZICER - Zagreb Innovation Center.
Bona Fides Invest - Raise and Rise
Razgovor s Vesnom Ujević, osnivačicom Kuće imotske riči
The campaign Home of Words Imotski has so far been supported by 307 people and
Bona Fides Invest - Raise and Rise
Razgovor s Dominikom Matkovićem, pripravnikom u Međunarodnom centru za crowdfunding (ICFC)
To start conversation, please introduce yourself to our readers. My name is Dominik Matković, and
Bona Fides Invest - Raise and Rise
Član Franjine ekonomije Zoran Rajn predstavio je u Asizu crowdfunding platformu Bona Fides Invest i Međunarodni program suradnje ICFC-a
Zoran Rajn, founder and president of the Center for Social Innovation and Sustainable Development (CEDIOR)
Bona Fides Invest - Raise and Rise
In the city of St. Michael at the Ukrainian-Croatian Business Forum
International relations and entrepreneurship have been my passion since an early age as. I have