Krátky príbeh

We need your support to help our Maasai brothers and sisters in Amboseli!

We will come back to Maasailand in July 2024!

We had a great time with them in August 2023, helping the Maasai community by providing financial literacy entrepreneurship training programs.

We noticed that some of the women of the village—who joined the training programs—were particularly motivated to start their own entrepreneurship projects to support their families and community.

1) They now have all the skills required to start their projects, but they need some resources to make their business ideas flourish. Your help can be fundamental to giving them this opportunity!

2) Also, the teacher of the village, Simon, needs a diploma degree to move forward with his teaching activities and high engagement for his community; your help can be of great value for him and for the community!


The Economy of Francesco: Second Edition of the Amboseli Mission 2024

2 Kampane | 0 Obľúbené kampane
Never End
Zostávajúce dni
Cieľ: 2,000.00


Around 300 people who live in the Kenyan village of Amboseli are facing great hardship due to problems caused by climate change. With a team of young economists, nutritionists, doctors, and educators from the Economy of Francesco (, we brought them assistance in August 2023 so they could improve their lives.

Take a look at the Vatican News’ interview regarding the first EoF Amboseli mission we conducted in August 2023: 

Take a look at the Vatican News’ video regarding the first EoF Amboseli mission we conducted in August 2023:

Last year, we were able to provide entrepreneurship courses in financial literacy a podnikanie to the women of the village. They were so enthusiastic about starting their own entrepreneurship projects!

We will come back to Amboseli for a 10-day training program in entrepreneurship and nutrition in July 2024, and we need your support to:

  1. Continue developing women’s entrepreneurship projects, for which they need resources to move forward with their business ideas.
  2. Finance the tuition fees for Simon’s diploma. Simon is the teacher of the village, and supporting his studies will be extremely helpful for the Maasai community.

Thank you so much for supporting us!

Ako darovať (je to jednoduché!)

Na úspešné vykonanie platby je potrebné:
1. Ak používate prenosný počítač, vyberte požadovanú sumu platby na pravom okraji stránky kampane alebo vyberte ľubovoľnú sumu v záhlaví stránky, a ak používate mobilnú verziu, vyberte požadovanú sumu na začiatku alebo prejdite na koniec stránky kampane;
2. zadajte požadované osobné údaje do formulára;
3. vyberte požadovaný spôsob platby:
a) kartou Mastercard®, Maestro® alebo Visa (možnosť Monri);
b) Kryptomena cez PayCek;
c) KEKS Pay;
d) Airchash;
e) Všeobecný platobný doklad alebo internetový či mobilný banking.
4. potvrdiť platbu podľa ďalších pokynov platformy.

Po vykonaní platby je potrebné počkať určitý čas, kým sa platba je spracovaná a zaznamenané na stránke kampane. Platby uskutočnené prostredníctvom všeobecného platobného dokladu alebo internetového/mobilného bankovníctva sa zaznamenajú do 1 až 2 pracovných dní a platby uskutočnené prostredníctvom kariet, kryptomien, Aircash alebo KEKS Pay do 1 až 12 hodín.

V prípade ďalších technických otázok týkajúcich sa platby nás kontaktujte prostredníctvom e-mailovej adresy alebo telefónne číslo +385 (0)98 611 467.

Pri tejto príležitosti ďakujeme ZABA Bank a Monri,, ktorá umožnila platbu kartami Mastercard®, Maestro® a Visa, Erste Bank ktorá umožnila platbu pomocou aplikácie KEKS Pay, Airchash s.r.o., ktorá umožnila platbu pomocou Aircash mobilná peňaženka a Electrocoin a PayCek, ktoré umožnili platby kryptomenami. Ďakujeme aj hostingovej spoločnosti MyDataKnox za údržbu servera.


Organizácia: Enduata Emaa Community Based Organization
Adresa: Loitokitok 258, okres Kajiado, Keňa
Zástupca: Samuel Lekato, predseda
Mobilný portál: +254 710 334396
Webová lokalita:


Digital thank-you note.
0 podporovatelia
Digital thank-you note.
0 podporovatelia
Digital thank-you note.
0 podporovatelia
Digital thank-you note.
0 podporovatelia
Digital thank-you note.
3 podporovatelia
Digital thank-you note.
0 podporovatelia
Digital thank-you note.
1 podporovatelia
Digital thank-you note.
0 podporovatelia
Digital thank-you note.
0 podporovatelia
Digital thank-you note.
0 podporovatelia
Digital thank-you note.
0 podporovatelia
Digital thank-you note.
0 podporovatelia
Digital thank-you note.
1 podporovatelia
Digital thank-you note.
0 podporovatelia
NázovDarovať sumuDátum
Anonymný 50.00 04/06/2024 10:21
Vincenzo Paiano 50.00 13/03/2024 17:59
Marie Holm 50.00 11/03/2024 18:44
Anonymný 1,000.00 10/03/2024 15:42
Francesco Sferrazzo 100.00 09/03/2024 13:31
Anonymný 5.00 02/03/2024 15:46


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