Υποστηρίξτε την αγιοποίηση του Μακαριστού Ivan Merz - Βοηθήστε να διαδώσετε την κληρονομιά του

Σύντομη ιστορία

Blessed Ivan Merz was a brilliant Croatian scholar and writer, dedicated his life to the Catholic faith. Today, Ivan’s legacy lives on through the Postulature for his canonization, which seeks to recognize him as a saint in the Catholic Church. This crowdfunding campaign aims to support the ongoing work of the Postulature and to help bring Ivan’s story to a wider audience. By supporting this campaign, you will help to honor the memory of a great man and to promote the values of faith, knowledge, and service that he embodied. Together, we can make a difference and help to ensure that the legacy of Blessed Ivan Merz continues to inspire future generations.

Υποστηρίξτε την αγιοποίηση του Μακαριστού Ivan Merz - Βοηθήστε να διαδώσετε την κληρονομιά του

Postulature of Blessed Ivan Merz
1 Εκστρατείες | 0 Αγαπημένες καμπάνιες
0 Ημέρες που απομένουν
Ημέρες που απομένουν
Στόχος: 6,000.00
The campaign is successful.


Campaign Initiator

The Postulature of Blessed Ivan Merz is a Catholic institution responsible for promoting the life, work, and spirituality of Blessed Ivan Merz, a Croatian layman who dedicated his life to promoting the Catholic faith, especially among young people. The postulature is based in Zagreb, Croatia, and works closely with the Catholic Church in Croatia to gather information and evidence of Merz’s life and virtues. Its ultimate goal is to advocate for Merz’s canonization as a saint in the Catholic Church. The postulature also works to promote devotion to Merz and to share his message of faith and dedication to God with people around the world.

About Campaign

With the aim of spreading the knowledge of the sainthood of Blessed Ivan Merz abroad, the Postulate has a lot of financial expenses. For example, it was necessary to pay $5.000,00 for the translation of just one volume of the Collected Works by Blessed Ivan Merz into English, and there are still six volumes left waiting for translation. – Father Božidar Nagy, Postulator

The story of Blessed Ivan Merz begins in the late 19th century in Banja Luka. From a young age, Ivan was an exceptional student. He excelled in his studies and was known for his intelligence and creativity. He was especially gifted in languages, mastering several by the time he was a teenager.

Despite his academic success, Ivan’s true passion was his faith. He was deeply committed to the Catholic Church and devoted countless hours to prayer and spiritual reading. He was known for his piety and his love for God, and his example inspired many of his peers to deepen their own faith.

As he grew older, Ivan became increasingly interested in the work of the Church. He saw how the Church could transform lives and bring hope to those who were suffering, and he felt called to be a part of that work. He studied literature and philosophy, and he became a powerful voice for the Catholic faith.

Ivan’s life was cut short when he passed away in 1928 at just 32 years old due to unsuccessful medical operation. However, his legacy persisted, and in 2003, Pope John Paul II proclaimed him Blessed.

Today, there is a movement to have Ivan declared a saint, and to that end, a postulature has been established to promote his cause. The Postulature is dedicated to gathering information about Ivan’s life and works and promoting his cause for sainthood.

The postulature of Blessed Ivan Merz marks the Jubilee Year of Blessed Ivan this year. This year marks 20 years since Ivan Merz was beatified and thus became the first lay beatified in Croatian history. This year also marks five centenaries from the life of Blessed Ivan. During the 1923 year Ivan Merz:

  • Defended his doctoral dissertation at the University of Zagreb and obtained the title of Doctor of Philosophy (May 9, 1923);
  •  Was elected as president of the Croatian Catholic Youth Association (August 18, 1923);
  • Took an eternal vow of chastity and became a consecrated layman in the world (December 8, 1923);
  • Became a co-founder of the Catholic educational organization for young people: Croatian Eagle Association (December 16, 1923);
  • Introduced the Catholic Action in Croatia (December 16, 1923).

For the regular work on the process of proclaiming Blessed Ivan a saint and for all the planned projects this year, especially to properly mark the important anniversaries in the life of Ivan Merz, Postulature needs your help. By contributing to this crowdfunding campaign, you can help ensure that Ivan’s legacy continues to inspire future generations of Catholics and intellectuals.

Join us in supporting the Postulature for Blessed Ivan Merz and help make his dream of sainthood a reality.

Popes about Blessed Ivan Merz

Ivan Merz was beatified by the Holy Pope John Paul II. in 2003. In his speech at beatification, he also said these words: “I give him to you today as a witness of Christ and a protector, and a companion on the way in your history. From now on, he will be a role model for young people and an example for believers in the world.”

And Pope Benedict XVI – who especially venerated blessed Ivan Merz and who prayed to him every day, as he told Bishop Franja Komarica – in the conclusion of his apostolic exhortation on the Eucharist Sacramentum caritatis in 2007 (No. 94) included blessed Ivan Merz among the 18 greatest saints of the Catholic Church who distinguished themselves in the veneration of the Holy Eucharist.

Team of the campaign

Father Božidar Nagy, postulator.

The leader of the campaign is Ivan Mesarek, an associate of Postulature.

Campaign adviser is Zoran Rajn.

Campaign ambassadors

“Blessed Ivan Merz – our role model
Today, as always, we need role models – people who embody healthy ideals. Ideals are values that become concrete according to the exemplary life of certain persons. That is why concrete role models, above all people who lived from a deep spirituality (saints), contribute to the healthy development of personality and the progress of human community.” – Prof. Ivan Koprek SJ, PhD

Πώς να κάνετε δωρεά (είναι απλό!)

Για να πραγματοποιηθεί μια επιτυχής πληρωμή, είναι απαραίτητο να:
1. Εάν χρησιμοποιείτε φορητό υπολογιστή, επιλέξτε το επιθυμητό ποσό πληρωμής στο δεξί περιθώριο της σελίδας της καμπάνιας ή επιλέξτε ένα αυθαίρετο ποσό στην κεφαλίδα της σελίδας, και αν βρίσκεστε στην έκδοση για κινητά, επιλέξτε το επιθυμητό ποσό στην αρχή ή μετακινηθείτε στο κάτω μέρος της σελίδας της καμπάνιας,
2. καταχωρίστε τα ζητούμενα προσωπικά δεδομένα στη φόρμα;
3. επιλέξτε την επιθυμητή μέθοδο πληρωμής:
α) κάρτα Mastercard®, Maestro® ή Visa (επιλογή Monri),
β) Κρυπτονόμισμα μέσω PayCek,
γ) KEKS Pay,
δ) Airchash,
ε) Γενική απόδειξη πληρωμής ή τραπεζική μέσω διαδικτύου ή κινητού τηλεφώνου.
4. επιβεβαιώστε την πληρωμή σύμφωνα με τις περαιτέρω οδηγίες της πλατφόρμας.

Αφού πραγματοποιηθεί η πληρωμή, είναι απαραίτητο να περιμένετε ένα ορισμένο χρονικό διάστημα έως ότου το η πληρωμή διεκπεραιώνεται και καταγράφονται στη σελίδα της εκστρατείας. Οι πληρωμές που πραγματοποιούνται μέσω γενικής απόδειξης πληρωμής ή internet/mobile banking καταγράφονται εντός 1 έως 2 εργάσιμων ημερών, ενώ οι πληρωμές που πραγματοποιούνται μέσω καρτών, κρυπτονομισμάτων, Aircash ή KEKS Pay εντός 1 έως 12 ωρών.

Για πρόσθετες τεχνικές ερωτήσεις σχετικά με την πληρωμή, παρακαλούμε επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας μέσω της διεύθυνσης ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου info@bonafidesinvest.eu ή τον αριθμό τηλεφώνου +385 (0)98 611 467.

We take this opportunity to thank ZABA Bank and Monri, which enabled payment with Mastercard®, Maestro® and Visa cards, Erste Bank which enabled payment with application KEKS Pay, Airchash Ltd. which enabled payment with Aircash mobile wallet, and Electrocoin and PayCek, which enabled payment with cryptocurrencies. We also thank the hosting company MyDataKnox for maintaining the server.


Οργανισμός: Postulature of Blessed Ivan Merz
Διεύθυνση: Palmotićeva 31, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Εκπρόσωπος: Fr. Božidar Nagy, Postulator
PIN: 02611897172
E-mail: postulaturaim@gmail.com
Κινητό: +385 (0)99 418 9380
Ιστοσελίδα: https://ivanmerz.hr/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MerzIvan/


Book: Croatian Crusaders, Overview of the establishment, development and renewal of the Crusader Catholic Organization in Croatia.
Σεπτέμβριος, 2025
Εκτιμώμενη παράδοση
9 υποστηρικτές
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Campaign already completed.
PhD dissertation of blessed Ivan Merz: The influence of liturgy on French writers from Chateaubriand to date.
1 υποστηρικτές
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Campaign already completed.
Books: Croatian Crusaders & The influence of liturgy on French writers from Chateaubriand to date.
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Campaign already completed.
Collected Works of blessed Ivan Merz (seven volumes).
5 υποστηρικτές
5 rewards left
Campaign already completed.
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