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VAN for the team is a crowdfunding campaign for the purchase of a van for the transport of children of the Football Club Imotski. All categories of children compete in their own leagues, from the youngest under 9 (younger beginners) to the oldest seniors. In order to ensure safe transportation for our children, our goal is to collect funds through donations for the purchase of a van so that they can safely drive the children to tournaments and league matches. The goal is to collect 30,000 euros in order to buy a newer and more reliable vehicle. If we exceed that amount, we will buy an even newer vehicle, which means even greater safety for our little soccer players.
Van for the Team

NK Imotski presents its crowdfunding campaign “VAN for the Team”.
We are the Football Club Imotski from Imotski, and our club has more than 200 members, the vast majority of whom are children who actively train in the club. The club was founded on “Bloody Easter” in 1991, and many eminent football names have passed through it, some of whom are still active members of the Croatian national team. The club was a staple in the Croatian Second Division for many years, and now we are in the process of recovery and return to the paths of old glory. In the last two years, the number of children in the club has increased significantly, and that is what makes us especially happy. In order to provide them with the best conditions, we are asking for your help.
Who we are and why we collect funds?
Our football club (NK IMOTSKI) has been operating for over 30 years, and many famous names have appeared in it. Our home is the famous Gospin Dolac football stadium, which was declared the 6th most special stadium in the world by the British BBC. Close to 200 children are actively training on it under the watchful eye of 8 professional football coaches. Last year, together with our fans, we successfully organized the campaign “Your chair for Gospin dolac”, in which, with your donations, we replaced all the chairs in the stadium. We have shown that with your help we can do a lot for the benefit of the whole community. Our children in Croatia love sports, but they must have support and infrastructure when they start training, which is usually at the beginning of their education. This campaign for the purchase of vans is part of the infrastructure that can help the youngest decide to play sports, to love it, and to practice it throughout their growing up and education. It is known that everyone who goes through training processes later becomes better people and more useful members of the community, and that sport is one of the ways that can correct life’s mistakes and guide young people in the right direction. That is why we need to build infrastructure, provide financial support, and promote sports.
Why a van?
All categories of children compete in their own leagues, from the youngest under 9 (younger beginners) to the oldest seniors. One of the most important items in this is transportation. We always emphasize that investing in children and young people is our highest priority, and one of those segments is definitely investing in sports infrastructure and encouraging them to play sports. Acquiring a van and providing transportation to competitions means a lot for athletes. In order to ensure safe transportation for our children, our goal is to collect funds through donations for the purchase of a van so that they can safely drive the children to tournaments and league matches. The amount we plan to raise is 30,000 euros in order to buy a newer and more reliable vehicle. If we exceed that amount, we will buy an even newer vehicle, which means even greater safety for our little soccer players.
The amount of EUR 30,000.00 will be collected from December 27, 2024, to May 1, 2025. We believe that you will respond to our invitation and help according to your capabilities.
Get involved and help us reach our goal!
Each of your donations brings us one step closer to our goal, which is the purchase of a van for our members. Enable young people and generations who will be the backbone of our society to play sports, to get away from the streets, to get away from television, mobile phones, and social networks, and instead to develop sportsmanship and healthy competition on sports fields and make new friends for their whole lives.
The team behind the campaign
Luka Đuzel – Club President
Luka Kolovrat – Assembly President
Ivica Kvesić – Secretary
Ivica Markota – Coach
Ante Jonjić – Coach
Marin Puljiz – Coach
Trpimir Buljan Klapirić – Coach
Frane Jerković – Coach
기부하는 방법(간단합니다!)
성공적으로 결제하려면 다음을 수행해야 합니다:
1. 노트북을 사용하는 경우, 캠페인 페이지의 오른쪽 여백에서 원하는 결제 금액을 선택하거나 페이지 헤더에서 임의의 금액을 선택합니다, 을 클릭하고 모바일 버전을 사용하는 경우 처음에 원하는 금액을 선택하거나 캠페인 페이지 하단으로 스크롤합니다;
2. 요청된 개인 데이터를 양식에 입력합니다.;
3. 원하는 결제 방법을 선택합니다.:
a) 마스터카드®, 마에스트로® 또는 비자 카드(모리 옵션);
b) PayCek을 통한 암호화폐;
c) KEKS Pay;
d) 에어캐시;
e) 일반 결제 전표 또는 인터넷 또는 모바일 뱅킹.
4. 플랫폼의 추가 지침에 따라 결제를 확인합니다..
결제가 완료된 후 일정 시간이 지날 때까지 기다려야 합니다. 결제 처리됨 캠페인 페이지에 기록됩니다. 일반 결제 전표 또는 인터넷/모바일 뱅킹을 통한 결제는 영업일 기준 1~2일 이내에, 카드, 암호화폐, 에어캐시 또는 KEKS 페이를 통한 결제는 1~12시간 이내에 기록됩니다.
결제와 관련된 추가 기술 문의는 다음 이메일 주소로 문의하시기 바랍니다. info@bonafidesinvest.eu 또는 전화 번호 +385 (0)98 611 467.
이 자리를 빌어 ZABA Bank 및 Monri,마스터카드®, 마에스트로®, 비자 카드로 결제 가능, Erste Bank 애플리케이션으로 결제 가능 KEKS Pay, Aircash 모바일 지갑, 그리고 전자코인 및 PayCek, 암호화폐로 결제할 수 있게 해준 . 또한 서버를 유지 관리해 주신 호스팅 업체 MyDataKnox 에 감사드립니다..
조직: Football club Imotski
주소: Petra Vrdoljaka 32A, Imotski
대표: Luka Đuzel, president
PIN: 69634700581
이메일: nogometni.klub.imotski@gmail.com
모바일: +385 (0)98 644 448
웹사이트: https://nk-imotski.hr/
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/nogometni.klub.imotski
인스타그램: https://www.instagram.com/nogometni.klub.imotski/?hl=en
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCffFKkchPCwXg4iE5OaecpQ

이름 | 기부 금액 | 날짜 |
Mate Olujic | €300.00 | 25/01/2025 14:21 |
Branko Šižgorić | €50.00 | 20/01/2025 14:12 |
Trpimir Buljan - Klapirić | €50.00 | 14/01/2025 15:01 |
Šimun Juroš | €50.00 | 14/01/2025 07:43 |
Ante Blažević | €100.00 | 13/01/2025 17:21 |
Matej Kasalo | €20.00 | 10/01/2025 22:19 |
Mario Rebić Šaldić | €20.00 | 10/01/2025 18:07 |
Frane Čelan | €20.00 | 10/01/2025 08:43 |
Mario Buntic | €100.00 | 06/01/2025 21:19 |
Tomislav Kvesić | €50.00 | 06/01/2025 10:17 |
Harrison Budak | €20.00 | 03/01/2025 19:36 |
Ivan Aračić | €500.00 | 03/01/2025 11:34 |
Petar Cikojević | €50.00 | 02/01/2025 18:30 |
Ante Čelan | €20.00 | 30/12/2024 18:36 |
Luka Kolovrat | €200.00 | 30/12/2024 10:17 |
C3 C3 | €300.00 | 29/12/2024 19:15 |
Ante Jonjić Gira | €100.00 | 28/12/2024 17:28 |
Božena Pandža | €50.00 | 28/12/2024 17:26 |
익명 | €300.00 | 28/12/2024 16:31 |
Ivica Kvesić | €20.00 | 28/12/2024 14:38 |
익명 | €200.00 | 28/12/2024 02:25 |
익명 | €100.00 | 28/12/2024 02:24 |
익명 | €1,000.00 | 28/12/2024 02:23 |
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