Lühike lugu
“Good things come to those who are good.“
Support us in the purchase of a Play Attention device that will be used in work with the students of our school.
In addition to achieving the well-being of our students, we want to add a humanitarian character to the action. If we manage to double the collected funds, to that extent, at the end of the campaign, the second device will be donated to a school that needs it. A video explaining the need for the Play Attention system will be the basic criteria for choosing a school. More detailed information will be published on the school website in due course.
“Let’s roll the story together!”
Mängi tähelepanu põhikoolile Odra

About the project
Maintaining attention, resistance to distractions, memory skills, and organization are becoming more and more of a problem in the everyday lives of our students.
By implementing the Play Attention for Odra Elementary School campaign, school students could fully realize their potential and improve their working and spatial memory, information processing speed, motor skills, oculomotor coordination, impulse control, social skills, ignoring distracting factors, following multi-step instructions, and completing tasks in the given time.
Play Attention is a device that helps the student see and realize his potential. It consists of a bracelet that is placed on the leg or arm and a program that contains video games. The bracelet sends data about brain activity, and the student controls the game with the help of his own attention and concentration. After completing the game, the program provides extensive feedback.
Unlike classic video games, which are extremely stimulating and full of content, the purpose of Play Attention games is to practice maintaining attention in situations that are not so stimulating or that contain distracting factors.
Using the Play Attention system, it is possible to permanently change unwanted patterns and teach the brain to function better.
Kuidas annetada (see on lihtne!)
Edukaks maksmiseks on vaja:
1. Kui kasutate sülearvutit, valige soovitud maksesumma kampaanialehel paremal serval või valige suvaline summa lehe päises, ja kui olete mobiiliversioonis, valige soovitud summa alguses või kerige kampaanialehel allapoole;
2. sisestage nõutavad isikuandmed vormi.;
3. valige soovitud makseviis:
a) Mastercard®, Maestro® või Visa kaart (Monri variant);
b) Krüptoraha PayCeki kaudu;
c) KEKS Pay;
d) Airchash;
e) Üldine maksekviitung või interneti- või mobiilipangandus.
4. kinnitage makse vastavalt platvormi edasistele juhistele..
Pärast makse sooritamist on vaja oodata teatud aega, kuni makse on töödeldud ja salvestatud kampaania lehele. Üldise maksekviitungi või interneti-/mobiilipanga kaudu tehtud maksed registreeritakse 1 kuni 2 tööpäeva jooksul ning kaardiga, krüptovaluutaga, Aircashiga või KEKS Payga tehtud maksed 1 kuni 12 tunni jooksul.
Täiendavate tehniliste küsimuste korral seoses maksmisega võtke meiega ühendust e-posti aadressil info@bonafidesinvest.eu või telefoninumber +385 (0)98 611 467.
Kasutame seda võimalust, et tänada ZABA Bank ja Monri, mis võimaldas maksmist Mastercard®, Maestro® ja Visa kaartidega, Erste Bank , mis võimaldas maksmist rakendusega KEKS Pay, Airchash Ltd., mis võimaldas maksmist Aircash mobile wallet, ja Electrocoin ja PayCek, mis võimaldas maksmist krüptovaluutadega. Samuti täname hostingufirmat MyDataKnox serveri hooldamise eest.
Organization name: Elementary School Odra
Organization address: Đačka ulica 5, Odra
Representative: Vatroslav Gabrić, school principal
Email: ured@os-odra-zg.skole.hr
Phone: +38516261050
Veebileht: https://www.os-odra.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100076527120622
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@osnovnaskolaodra8513
VAT ID: 13465678686
Nimi | Annetada summa | Kuupäev |
Ivan Ćurić | €100.00 | 14/10/2024 07:33 |
Željko Medić | €50.00 | 09/10/2024 15:00 |
Anonüümne | €10.00 | 09/09/2024 12:11 |
Andrea Cigetić | €30.00 | 09/09/2024 05:51 |
Marija Šeprek | €20.00 | 27/06/2024 12:59 |
Iva Slavković | €30.00 | 21/06/2024 16:33 |
Barbara Markulin | €30.00 | 18/06/2024 10:27 |
Slaven Dedić | €50.00 | 17/06/2024 08:31 |
Nikolina Milovanović | €50.00 | 14/06/2024 06:48 |
Danijela Montel | €40.00 | 13/06/2024 08:44 |
Dubravka Benković | €10.00 | 11/06/2024 23:55 |
Tomica Bukovac | €10.00 | 11/06/2024 17:19 |
Emira Šeprek-Bukovac | €10.00 | 11/06/2024 17:15 |
Krešimir Tomaško | €50.00 | 11/06/2024 13:36 |
Tatjana Petričušić | €50.00 | 10/06/2024 17:22 |
Anonüümne | €10.00 | 10/06/2024 16:43 |
Patricia Holbak | €30.00 | 10/06/2024 13:46 |
Barbara Križanić | €250.00 | 09/06/2024 19:43 |
Anonüümne | €10.00 | 09/06/2024 19:27 |
Marija Obrovac | €10.00 | 08/06/2024 14:21 |
Iva Kušec | €30.00 | 07/06/2024 18:45 |
Andrea Cigetić | €30.00 | 07/06/2024 17:28 |
Anonüümne | €50.00 | 07/06/2024 17:12 |
Dalibor Kovacevic | €50.00 | 07/06/2024 14:53 |
Tatjana Oreščanin Babić | €30.00 | 07/06/2024 14:32 |
Željka Požega | €10.00 | 07/06/2024 08:53 |
Anonüümne | €30.00 | 07/06/2024 08:24 |
Dubravka Benkovic | €10.00 | 07/06/2024 07:07 |
MAJA KOPRIVNJAK | €5.00 | 07/06/2024 05:19 |
Anonüümne | €20.00 | 06/06/2024 20:40 |
Anita Knezović | €20.00 | 06/06/2024 17:23 |
Anonüümne | €10.00 | 06/06/2024 14:44 |
Zvonimir Hrsak | €50.00 | 06/06/2024 12:09 |
Monika Sakoman | €10.00 | 06/06/2024 10:55 |
Anonüümne | €10.00 | 06/06/2024 10:16 |
Anonüümne | €20.00 | 06/06/2024 08:51 |
Ivana Perić | €100.00 | 06/06/2024 08:47 |
Anonüümne | €20.00 | 06/06/2024 08:02 |
Anonüümne | €10.00 | 05/06/2024 16:50 |
Anonüümne | €10.00 | 05/06/2024 15:37 |
Tooteülevaateid veel ei ole.