The goal of founding FUNK was to strive for its own space through the realization of various types of content: concerts, discourses, workshops, exhibitions, performances, the development of soundsystem culture, movie nights, band rehearsals, conferences, music schools, and other programs.

With the foundation of FUNK and the implementation of numerous programs in the last 10 years, this coexistence with the space of independent culture has become a day-to-day activity for the city’s residents. But not only the residents of Koprivnica, but also many others, because our visitors and performers come from various parts of Croatia.

Since 2014, we have been building our vision of a social and cultural center in this building of the former Koprivnica military campus.

Since then, in the last 5 years, in an empty and dilapidated space without basic conditions for work, FUNK’s volunteers have done a lot. A stage was built from wooden pallets, the walls were painted, and the concert hall was acoustically treated with the help of donors. This is exactly why many bands like to play here; they say the sound is great.

More than 300,000 euros were secured from European Union funds. We bought a lot of technical equipment, and after 6 years of working in conditions without a sanitary facility, we rebuilt it.

A long-term contract on the use of space was signed with the City of Koprivnica, and the City took over the payment of overhead costs. The Kultura Nova Foundation and the National Foundation for the Development of Civil Society provide funds for the salaries of our two employees.

Although in these 10 years we managed to secure funds for the purchase of equipment, adapt the sanitary facilities, employ people, realize a large number of programs, and gain visibility, the space is still not in an adequate condition for work.

The roof is in bad condition, so during every rain, we have places where water falls on our heads and black spots appear on the ceilings.

The windows are as old as the building, and if we want to heat the space in winter, we spend a lot more energy because the cold enters the space through them at the same time.

The floors are also in very bad condition, the space still has the parquet that greeted us when we entered FUNK, and there is no ventilation at all.

This is exactly why we need your help. In order to further develop the area, new investments are needed.

That’s why, with this campaign, you have the opportunity to become a wheel in the development of the social and cultural center FUNK, and with your donation, you can help make this space even better. Help us to raise funds and finalize the space to the end, so that everyone can feel more comfortable in it and have the possibility to create even more programs: more concerts, exhibitions, conferences, and movie nights, so that more bands can have rehearsals. Help us to make the sounds of the sound system even more pleasant in our rooms.

Help us make yours and ours FUNK shine through.



1. ノートパソコンを使っている場合、 キャンペーンページの右余白で希望する支払い金額を選択するか、ページヘッダーで任意の金額を選択します、 モバイル版の場合は、最初に希望の金額を選択するか、キャンペーンページの一番下までスクロールしてください;
2. 要求された個人データをフォームに入力する。;
3. 希望する支払い方法を選択する。:
a) Mastercard®、Maestro®またはVisaカード(Monriオプション);
b) PayCek経由の暗号通貨;
c) KEKSの給与
d) エアチャッシュ
e) 一般払込票またはインターネットもしくはモバイルバンキング。
4. プラットフォームの指示に従って支払いを確認する。.

支払いが完了した後、次の支払いが行われるまで一定時間待つ必要がある。 支払いが処理される キャンペーンページに記録されます。一般払込票またはインターネット/モバイルバンキングによるお支払いは1~2営業日以内に、カード、暗号通貨、Aircash、KEKS Payによるお支払いは1~12時間以内に記録されます。

その他、お支払いに関する技術的なお問い合わせは、以下のメールアドレスまでご連絡ください。 info@bonafidesinvest.eu または電話番号 +385 (0)98 611 467.

この場を借りて ZABA Bank and Monri,<span style="color: Mastercard®、Maestro®、Visaカードでの支払いを可能にした エルステ銀行 アプリケーションでの支払いを可能にした KEKS Pay エアキャッシュ おサイフケータイ、 エレクトロコイン and PayCek, 暗号通貨での支払いを可能にしました。また、ホスティング会社 MyDataKnox サーバーのメンテナンスにも感謝します。


組織名 Forum of Independent Cultural Associations FUNK
組織の住所 Trg dr. Žarka Dolinara 16, Koprivnica
代表者 Denis Košćak
Eメール savez.udruga.funk@gmail.com
電話 +385951232233
ウェブサイト www.funk-centar.com
フェイスブック www.facebook.com/FunkKC
インスタグラム www.instagram.com/funk_centar_izvan_centra
ユーチューブ www.youtube.com/channel/UCA6I1YonvQQx5BEvosGR0aA
VAT ID: 21240383484
