Lyhyt tarina

The Forum of Independent Culture Associations, or as many of you know it, FUNK, was founded exactly 10 years ago with the vision of establishing a stable space for the realization of programs and the development of independent culture in Koprivnica.

Mamuze, RockLive, Kopriva, Atelieri Koprivnica, and Pod Galgama are associations that jointly founded FUNK, which was supported by a large number of musicians, bands, and individuals eager for such a space to exist in Koprivnica. At this moment, FUNK needs your help in order to complete the adaptation of the space and bring it to an even better functional state through this campaign.

With your donations, you can support the work of our cultural center and help us to work even more and even better.


Never End
Päiviä jäljellä
Tavoite: 50,000.00
Vähimmäismäärä on €10 Enimmäismäärä on €2000


The goal of founding FUNK was to strive for its own space through the realization of various types of content: concerts, discourses, workshops, exhibitions, performances, the development of soundsystem culture, movie nights, band rehearsals, conferences, music schools, and other programs.

With the foundation of FUNK and the implementation of numerous programs in the last 10 years, this coexistence with the space of independent culture has become a day-to-day activity for the city’s residents. But not only the residents of Koprivnica, but also many others, because our visitors and performers come from various parts of Croatia.

Since 2014, we have been building our vision of a social and cultural center in this building of the former Koprivnica military campus.

Since then, in the last 5 years, in an empty and dilapidated space without basic conditions for work, FUNK’s volunteers have done a lot. A stage was built from wooden pallets, the walls were painted, and the concert hall was acoustically treated with the help of donors. This is exactly why many bands like to play here; they say the sound is great.

More than 300,000 euros were secured from European Union funds. We bought a lot of technical equipment, and after 6 years of working in conditions without a sanitary facility, we rebuilt it.

A long-term contract on the use of space was signed with the City of Koprivnica, and the City took over the payment of overhead costs. The Kultura Nova Foundation and the National Foundation for the Development of Civil Society provide funds for the salaries of our two employees.

Although in these 10 years we managed to secure funds for the purchase of equipment, adapt the sanitary facilities, employ people, realize a large number of programs, and gain visibility, the space is still not in an adequate condition for work.

The roof is in bad condition, so during every rain, we have places where water falls on our heads and black spots appear on the ceilings.

The windows are as old as the building, and if we want to heat the space in winter, we spend a lot more energy because the cold enters the space through them at the same time.

The floors are also in very bad condition, the space still has the parquet that greeted us when we entered FUNK, and there is no ventilation at all.

This is exactly why we need your help. In order to further develop the area, new investments are needed.

That’s why, with this campaign, you have the opportunity to become a wheel in the development of the social and cultural center FUNK, and with your donation, you can help make this space even better. Help us to raise funds and finalize the space to the end, so that everyone can feel more comfortable in it and have the possibility to create even more programs: more concerts, exhibitions, conferences, and movie nights, so that more bands can have rehearsals. Help us to make the sounds of the sound system even more pleasant in our rooms.

Help us make yours and ours FUNK shine through.


Miten lahjoittaa (se on helppoa!)

Onnistuneen maksun suorittaminen edellyttää, että:
1. Jos käytät kannettavaa tietokonetta, valitse haluamasi maksusumma kampanjasivun oikeasta reunasta tai valitse mielivaltainen summa sivun otsikosta, ja jos olet mobiiliversiossa, valitse haluamasi summa kampanjasivun alussa tai selaa kampanjasivun alareunaan;
2. Syötä pyydetyt henkilötiedot lomakkeeseen.;
3. valitse haluamasi maksutapa:
a) Mastercard®-, Maestro®- tai Visa-kortti (Monri-vaihtoehto);
b) Kryptovaluutta PayCekin kautta;
c) KEKS Pay;
d) Airchash;
e) Yleinen maksutosite tai internet- tai mobiilipankki.
4. Vahvista maksu alustan lisäohjeiden mukaisesti..

Maksun suorittamisen jälkeen on odotettava tietty aika, kunnes maksu on suoritettu. maksu on käsitelty ja kirjataan kampanjasivulle. Yleisellä maksukuitilla tai internet-/mobiilipankissa tehdyt maksut kirjataan 1-2 työpäivän kuluessa ja kortilla, kryptovaluutalla, Aircashilla tai KEKS Paylla tehdyt maksut 1-12 tunnin kuluessa.

Jos sinulla on muita maksua koskevia teknisiä kysymyksiä, ota meihin yhteyttä sähköpostiosoitteessa osoitteessa info@bonafidesinvest.eu tai puhelinnumero +385 (0)98 611 467.

Hyödynnämme tämän tilaisuuden kiittääksemme ZABA-pankkia ja Monri, joka mahdollisti maksamisen Mastercard®-, Maestro®- ja Visa-korteilla, Erste Bank joka mahdollisti maksamisen sovelluksella KEKS Pay, Airchash Ltd., joka mahdollisti maksamisen Aircash mobiililompakko, ja Electrocoin ja PayCek, joka mahdollisti maksamisen kryptovaluutoilla. Kiitämme myös isännöintiyritystä MyDataKnox palvelimen ylläpidosta.

Ota yhteyttä

Organisaation nimi: Forum of Independent Cultural Associations FUNK
Organization address: Trg dr. Žarka Dolinara 16, Koprivnica
Edustaja: Denis Košćak
Sähköposti: savez.udruga.funk@gmail.com
Phone: +385951232233
Verkkosivusto: www.funk-centar.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/FunkKC
Instagram: www.instagram.com/funk_centar_izvan_centra
YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCA6I1YonvQQx5BEvosGR0aA
ALV-TUNNUS: 21240383484


A digital thank-you note and your name on the Hall of Fame wall.
7 tukijat
A digital thank-you note and your name on the Hall of Fame wall.
13 tukijat
A digital thank-you note and your name on the Hall of Fame wall.
7 tukijat
Digital thank-you note and FUNK sticker.
11 tukijat
A digital thank-you note, a FUNK sticker, and the signature of the favorite performer who is playing at FUNK.
7 tukijat
A digital thank-you note, a FUNK sticker, the signature of the favorite performer who is playing at FUNK, and become a sound engineer for a day and experience the preparation of a concert by your favorite band.
1 tukijat
A digital thank-you note, a FUNK sticker, the signature of the favorite performer who is playing at FUNK, and posters of 10 events.
0 tukijat
A digital thank-you note, a FUNK sticker, the signature of the favorite performer who is playing at FUNK, posters of 10 events, and 15 tickets for events of your choice in FUNK.
0 tukijat
A digital thank-you note, a FUNK sticker, the signature of the favorite performer who is playing at FUNK, posters of 10 events, and 30 tickets for events of your choice in FUNK.
0 tukijat
Digital thank-you note, FUNK sticker, signature of the favorite performer who is playing at FUNK, and Golden Ticket—free events forever.
0 tukijat
NimiLahjoita määräPäivämäärä
Filip Pacak 50.00 18/12/2024 16:26
Denis Jakupi 50.00 29/11/2024 10:01
Anonyymi 100.00 30/10/2024 07:14
Anonyymi 20.00 29/10/2024 14:03
Brian Melamed 100.00 29/10/2024 08:36
Aleksandar Rapaić 250.00 05/09/2024 19:17
Jurica Vitković 20.00 01/07/2024 07:42
Ivan Piskač 30.00 26/06/2024 12:59
Nikola Ruzic 20.00 20/06/2024 15:42
Anonyymi 50.00 18/06/2024 18:12
Anonyymi 10.00 17/06/2024 13:45
Sanela Bešlić 10.00 17/06/2024 08:44
Leo Benkek 30.00 14/06/2024 10:27
Gordan Branković 200.00 13/06/2024 19:05
Anonyymi 20.00 13/06/2024 12:19
Marko Katic 20.00 13/06/2024 12:14
Miroslav Đurašin 50.00 13/06/2024 04:18
Helena Horvat 10.00 12/06/2024 21:08
Vedran Štefan 50.00 12/06/2024 14:23
Matija Torma 80.00 12/06/2024 13:02
Miran Katar 20.00 12/06/2024 12:24
Željko Lukač 100.00 12/06/2024 09:20
Ana-Marija Martan 50.00 11/06/2024 17:10
Bruno Antolić 150.00 11/06/2024 15:01
Tina Verčević 10.00 11/06/2024 14:40
Nina Verčević 10.00 11/06/2024 14:36
Dorian Piskor 20.00 11/06/2024 13:55
Marko Kuhar 20.00 11/06/2024 07:51
Tihana Peić 20.00 11/06/2024 05:07
Matija Večenaj 30.00 10/06/2024 19:33
Ivana Tolić 10.00 10/06/2024 17:12
Andrej Pufler 100.00 10/06/2024 15:22
Katarina Zamljačanec 20.00 10/06/2024 14:43
Ivan Ćurić 30.00 10/06/2024 14:25
Dunja Drobac 50.00 10/06/2024 14:20
Krunoslav Gašparić 50.00 10/06/2024 14:13
Sven Francic 10.00 10/06/2024 14:08
Helena Fuker 30.00 10/06/2024 13:46
Nikola Cvitkovic 30.00 10/06/2024 13:38
Rebeka Petranović 30.00 10/06/2024 13:03
Mario Sabol 50.00 10/06/2024 13:00
Aleksandar Vrhovec 200.00 10/06/2024 12:59
Dino Vuk 20.00 10/06/2024 12:55
Anonyymi 20.00 10/06/2024 12:48
Matija Zamljacanec 20.00 10/06/2024 12:36
Ivan Antunović 50.00 10/06/2024 10:03


Tuotearvioita ei vielä ole.

Kirjoita ensimmäinen arvio tuotteelle “#ALL4FUNK”

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